Hello Fellow Hobbyists

      First, let me start by saying hello and oops.  I was asked to participate and write for the blog once and awhile, as you can see by this being my first post I have failed miserabely.  
I would like to take my first post and talk a little bit about how I got into gaming and why I've found a love for it.   I first came across table top gaming when I was around 13 when a friend introduced me to Johnny Reb.  As young kids with no money I remember laying blankets out with books underneath them for hills and construction paper for the roads and rivers. 
That was as far as gaming ever got for us then.  Flash forward 15 years that same friend became my Brother-In-Law.  For years he had tried to get me into Warhammer, but I never had any interest.  Then he found a way to get me to bite. I was introduced to Flames of War.  Given my love for history and being in the Military, he knew I'd be hooked with a historical game.  We did a demo at a local game store and I walked out that day with a 1,500  pt army.  After playing for a year and building forces I started to attend local game days and events.  I'd go and play the one other FoW player that would show up, then I'd spend the rest of the day watching others play Warhammer games.  So I made the decision to start a 40K army.  I went with the most non sci-fi one I could come across and began an Imeperial Guard army.  After playing a few games I came to a swift realization  that it wasn't so much the game system that mattered.  It was the fact that I was playing a table game.  It was the strategy, and the forward thinking that enticed me.  I have since gotten linked up with some amazing local gamers who are laid back and enjoy the game as I do.  Ok, I know that was a bit long winded, but it had a point. I want to give you an idea of where I come from and what I look for in a game system, models, or fellow gamers. 
             So, what can you expect out of my posts and what will be the point of checking in with me?  I'll be posting some of my projects I'm working on, AAR's of some of the games that I've played, and general thoughts on new game systems/models that I come across.  I've always found motivation and helpful suggestions in seeing what others have on their table and I hope that I can give that experience/chance/oppurtunity to other gamers.  You will not find expert advice or professional paint jobs.  I am just fellow gamer sharing his love of the hobby, who's had an oppurtinity to get linked up with some amazing people who have helped nurture, and in many ways, helped feed
the addiction.  So hopefully you will be hearing more from me more in the future as I have some interesting stuff in line for the table.

             - Justin

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