Justin's December Check-in

     A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.  It's time for a new month and a new check in.  December was fairly light gaming wise for me so this shouldn't be to long. 
    The collection wasn't that large this month.  I was on a buying and spending freeze with Christmas and waited patiently to see what Santa left me under the tree.  The only miniature gaming item I got was a box of Battlefront's Mosque walls.  I've still been working on collecting a few boxes of each of the desert terrain and these were next on my list.  I like them because they add a little variance to the standard size desert walls, and they look good around a larger complex. I did receive some Xbox goods but that's another world of gaming and won't get into that here. 

Picture from Battlefront's website.

Picture from Battlefront's website.

     As far as what's been on my table, if you've read my previous posts I've been all about the Bolt Action Finns lately.  They're coming along nicely but I'm not as far as I'd like to be with them.  I forgot how much easier it is to paint these guys in 15mm than 28mm.  And, if I'm being honest, some of these models aren't the greatest and are tough to tell where the coat ends and the belt/pouches begin. 
About halfway there.

     Now the fun part, games for the month.  It was another fairly slow month and I was only able to get one game in.  Steve and I were able to link up at my place and throw down some more 1750 Mid War Flames of War.  We rolled off and got Pincer, which is what we ended up getting last month.  We decided we wanted roll again and this time got Free For All (another exciting mission...), great for both of us playing infantry lists.  Sadly I don't remember much of the game and like an idiot forgot to record it.  I did get off a couple of pictures, and what I can tell you is universal carriers can be brutal.  He rolled hard on my left flank with a couple of squads of them and pretty much kept my infantry on the objective pinned the entire game.  I was able to pop them little by little, but it took most of the game.  With both having infantry we both took to the same tactic. 
     We pushed forward our mobile support platoons to see who could take the upper hand.  After several rounds of fighting we both had whittled down what the opponent had in the middle of the table and both looked at each other with the same look, "who's going to be the first to pull out of dug in and start the slog across the table"?
     I had pretty much emptied my right flank from any enemy forces, so I decided to mount up in some transports and push forward.  Great idea on paper, until his arty opened up and scared my trucks to run which left my guys in the open in the middle of the table.  With a last ditch effort they pushed forward trying to take the objective on his left flank.  Sadly they never made it across and I was forced to take a Company morale check which I failed. 
    It was a good game, and I learned a bit more on handling my list.  I think if I would have focused on cleaning up some damaged platoons of his, I could have won the day.  There's always next time. 

Table set up before deployment.
Forces lined up, ready to go.
Universals beating up on my infantry.
His push on my right flank. 

     Well, that's it for this month.  My goals for the end of January is to have some finished Bolt Action to show you, and a few reports of some games.  I am enlisting the help/opinion of anyone out there who actually reads this and wants to comment.  I'm having a modeling block and having trouble decided what to put on the table next.  It's between some more FoW (either Finnish, US, or more Italians), some Dystopian War Russian Coalition, or some 28mm zombies and survivors.  Any input on what you guys would like to see would be appreciated.  Until next time, keep the dice rolling. 

     -  Justin.

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