15mm Gruntz Zone Mortalis


Clearly I want to simulate the feel of the Aliens movie for a cinematic game.  With that in mind the Gruntz unit builder is perfect for creating forces for playing.  The marines are built with two squads with 1 smart gun for each squad in the form of SA weapons.  The Xenos have been created with explosive damage when killed(acid for blood) and acidic spit(short range shooting).  Right now the Marines are outnumbered at 2.4 Xenos to 1 Marine(yes there are some smaller Xenos).




I was not happy with the basing(GW stuff is a pain if its not applied correctly)

Fell back on my tried and true pumice for basing.

Painted the bases since I liked the contrast of the martian red.  I also realized I had not built any command units for my forces so wiped these up the other night.

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